Kensworth Population 1811
Population of Kensworth 1811 [P34/28/13]
Names; number of males; number of females; total; whether working in agriculture, trade or other; notes.
John Smith, 1, 2, 3, other, can read, Half Moon
Church End
Revd Harrison, 2,1,3, other
Mr A Fossey, 8, 4, 12, agriculture
Harley, 1,2,3,agriculture
Birchmore, 1,2,3, agriculture
Mr J Howard, 9,6,15, agriculture
Mr J Fossey, 2,4,6,other, bible
W Fletcher, 1,1,2
Corner Farm, 9,3,12, agriculture
W Howard, Esq, 1,2,3,other, bible
E Astin, 1,1,2,agriculture
Symmonds, 1,3,4,trade
Mrs Scott, 0,2,2,other
Packhorse & Gravel Pits:
Prince George, 1,1,2,trade
John Stokes, 4,4,8,agriculture
W Bates, 3,4,7,trade
Baldwin, 2,2,4,trade
Widow Martin, 1,3,4,agriculture
Thomas Stocksley, 3,1,4,trade
John Franklin, 1,2,3,agriculture
Bachelor, 1,0,1,trade
J Cunningham, 3, 3,6, agriculture
Elizabeth Philpot, 2,1,3,agriculture
Richard Ansley, 3,2,5,agriculture
W Birchmore, 5,3,8, agriculture
Plough & Roadside
Daniel Wells, 2,1,3 trade
Thomas Withers, 2,1,3,trade
Stocksleys Lane
Thomas Ginger, 2,4,6, agriculture
Mary Matthews, 0, 2,2, trade
Common rise of the Hill, near the Well:
Smith,1,1,2, trade,
Bigg, 4,0, 4, agriculture, can read
[?] Crawley, 1,3,4,agriculture
John Janes, 1,1,2,agriculture
Thomas Taylor, 2,3,5 trade
John Ward, 2,4,6, trade
William Walsum, 1,4,5, trade
William Stone, 1,1,2, agriculture
Thomas Osborn, 4, 4, 8, trade
Richard Durrant, 1,1,2,agriculture
Thomas Punter, 2,3,5,agriculture
John Squire, 2,6,8, agriculture
John Stocksley, 3,3,6,trade
Thomas Wilton, 1,1,2,agriculture
Joseph Woodcraft, 2,6,8,trade
Pye, 1,2,3,trade
Varney, butcher, 3,2,5,trade
John Grissel, 2,3,5,trade
Bayford, Susanna, 1 bible
Dumpleton, 1,0,1,agriculture
Daniel Holland, 1,2,3,trade
Holland, 1,2,3,agriculture, 1 testament
Common near the Well
W Grissel, 1,1,2,trade
Matthews, 2,6,8, trade
Hopkins, 3,2,5,trade
Robert Birchmore, 1,4,5,trade
John Swabey, 3,3,6, agriculture
Kilbey, 1,2,3, agriculture
Thomas Rust, 3,2,5, agriculture
Richard Hall, 1,3,4, trade
John Fountain, 2,2,4, agriculture
Osborn, 1,2,3, agriculture
Townshend, 1,2,3, trade, bible
Tyson, 1,2,3, agriculture
W Mead, 4,1,5,agriculture
Fensum, 2,3,5,agriculture
Thomas Hall, 5,3,8, trade
Hall, 5,3,8, trade
Mrs Hall, 0,1,1, other
William, 1,1,2, agriculture
Common near Well and higher:
Daniel Evans, 2,4,6, agriculture
Daniel Munn, 6,3,9, trade
Mrs Rook, 0,1,1, other, bible
Roberts, 3,1,4, trade
G Turney, 1,4,5, trade
J Liberty, 1,0,1, agriculture
Workhouse, 5,8, 13, other
Thomas Townshend, 1,4,5, trade, bible
Wynnot, 2,3,5 agriculture
Cheshire, 1,1,2, agriculture
Crawley, 0,1,1, agriculture
Brittnal, 1,1,2, agriculture
John Rowland, 3,2,5, agriculture,
Thomas Clifton, 1,2,3, agriculture
Cheshire, 6,5,11, agriculture and trade, bible, very old
Thomas Andrew, 1,1, 2, agriculture
John Andrew, 4, 6,10, agriculture, bible, poor, very old
Common nearest to the Downs:
Thomas Martin, 0, 2, 2 trade
Peart, 4,3,7, agriculture
Day, 2,2,4, agriculture
Smith, 2,3,5, agriculture
Willis, 2, 2, 4, agriculture, bible, very old
B Davis, 2,2,4, agriculture, bible
F Stanner, 2, 2, 4, agriculture, bible,
D Holland junior, 2, 4, 6, agriculture
D. Taylor, 2, 4, 6, agriculture, bible
S Gibbes, 2, 2, 4, trade, bible
Thomas Astin, 1, 1, 2, agriculture, bible
Thomas Cann, 1, 2, 3, agriculture
W Liberty, 4, 1, 5, agriculture
Mrs Baldwin, 1, 2, 3, other
Holland, 2, 1, 3, agriculture, bible,
Thomas Osborn, 1,1, 2, agriculture, bible,
Sharp, 2, 4, 6, agriculture, bible,
Hollick, 1, 2, 3, agriculture, bible,
Butcher, 2, 2, 4, trade 1, bible, very old
Common nearest to the Downs
Pye, 1, 3, 4, agriculture
Sharp, 1, 1, 2, agriculture
Britton, 2, 1, 3, trade, bible
John Sharpe, 2, 2, 4, agriculture, bible
Ingram, 1, 2, 3, trade
D Wright, 1, 2, 3, agriculture
Powell, 6, 3, 9, agriculture
W Perry, 4, 1, 5, agriculture, bible
Hickman, 1, 5, 6, trade, bible, very old
Thomas Hooker, 1, 2, 3, agriculture, bible
Joseph Perry, 3, 3, 6, agriculture, bible, very old
Daniel Burgess, 1, 3, 4, trade, bible
Daniel Cook, 1, 3, 4, agriculture, bible, prayer book
James Astin, 1, 2, 3, trade, bible
Houses 109; Families 116; Uninhabited houses, none; Houses building, none.
Names of those to whom Bibles or Testaments were sold or given in this parish, through the St Albans Bible Society Nov.1812: Ann Crawley, Maria Burgess, Charlotte Burchmore, Ann Townshend, Brittnall, Crawley, Workhouse.