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HMS Africa near Uruguay

HMS Africa in South America

This is an excerpt from a fair copy of the rough log book of H.M.S.Africa, detailing an expedition to the Plate Estuary, South America from 5 Nov 1806  to 20 Jan 1808. [ref.X170/1/3]

Friday August 23rd 1807

Remarks & c on board His Majesty's Ship Africa off Montevideo, River Plate.

A.m moderate breezes abd cloudy weather. Employed knotting yarns making sinnett and picking oakum. Sailmakers making hammocks. Ropemakers making twine. Carpenters at sundry jobs, armourers at the forge. Returned from HMS Woolwich, 1 midshipman 17 seamen, three having deserted from her...Recieved the following cases said to contain Treasure viz seven in hides marked W, three plain, two in hides and one plain...

Why is this document at Bedfordshire & Luton Archives?

Collection ref.X170 consist of Log Books, Muster Books & Letter Books of Admiral Bayntun which were found at Dean House, his former home, and deposited here by his descendants.

Admiral William Henry Bayntun  also served on HMS Leviathan at the Battle of Trafalger in 1804, and his collection includes a logbook of that ship.