Staff at Roxton School 1851 - 1951
![Elevation of the new National School [AD3765/37/51]](/CommunityHistories/Roxton/RoxtonImages/Elevation of the new national school [3765-37-5].jpg)
Elevation of the new National School [AD3765/37/51]
Maria Screen has researched staff at Roxton School from mentions in the log books. Here is her list (head teachers are in bold).
- Mary Ann Buckle, mistress 1851-1867 ("The British School in the Chapel");
- Gabriel Scott, head master 1860-1876;
- Miss Selina Martha Thurgood, assistant mistress 24th November 1871 - 24th April 1876;
- George Cusden Slaymaker, head master 9th October 1876 - 22nd December 1881;
- Miss Mary Ann Gurney, assistant mistress, 1st May 1876 - 26th September 1878;
- Miss Emma Speed, assistant mistress, 27th September 1878 - 8th August 1884;
- Miss Sarah A Record, head mistress, 2nd January 1882 - 11th July 1884;
- Lewis Thomas Cheese, head master, 22nd September 1884 - 14th August 1891;
- Miss Elizabeth Ann Cheese, sewing mistress, 22nd September 1884 - 3rd May 1886;
- Mrs Monk, sewing mistress, 1886;
- Mrs Stapleton, sewing mistress, 1891;
- Susanna Jarvis, monitress, 1894;
- Miss Elizabeth A Lumley, head mistress, 5th October 1891 - 16th August 1895;
- Miss Elizabeth March, head mistress, 16th September 1895 - 12th April 1897;
- Clara Jarvis, monitress, 27th February 1893 - 26th March 1897;
- William Warren, head master, 3rd May 1897 - 18th May 1899;
- Mrs Annie Warren, 3rd May 1897 - June 1908;
- Ethel Warren, monitress, March 1898 - January 1902;
- Charlotte Mary Harrison, head mistress, 24th July 1899 - 2nd August 1901;
- Edith Rebecca Buckle, mead mistress, 16th September 1901 - 31st January 1905;
- Charles Bird, temporary head master, 20th february - 19th May 1905;
- Thomas Inger Strickland, head master 22nd May 1905 - 16th August 1907;
- Alban Buswell, head master 30th September 1907 - 29th April 1910;
- Hannah Darrington, monitress, 30th September 1907 - 28th February 1908;
- Ellen Miriam Smith, opaid monitress, 2nd March 1908;
- Miss Cecilia de Bartolume, supply teacher, 16th March - 30th April 1908;
- Mrs Susanna Infield (nee Jarvis), supply teacher, 11th May - 21st August 1908;
- Miss Beatie Gore Bennett, supplementary teacher, 10th August 1908 - 31st May 1910;
- George Griffin, temporary head master, 2nd May - 31st May 1910;
- Adelaide Bertha Wood (nee Bothamley), head mistress, 1st June 1910 - May 1918;
- Gilbert Henry Wood, assistant teacher, 1st June 1910 - 1917;
- Nellie Smith, monitress, 31st January 1911 - 20th February 1914;
- Miss Nora Lilian King, supplementary teacher, 25th April - 11th August 1911;
- Miss Ruby Florence Boyse, supplementary teacher, 18th September 1911 - 18th January 1915;
- Miss Dorothy Jeffs, supply teacher, 18th March 1915 - January 1916;
- Miss W Javens, supply teacher, 19th January - February 1916;
- Miss Dorothy Letchford, supply teacher, 5th - 9th June and 19th June - 31st October 1916;
- Miss Rainbow, certificated teacher, temporary duties, 11th-20th December 1916;
- Miss Emily Cockell, head mistress;
- Miss Kathleen Daniels, infants' teacher, 1922 - October 1928;
- Mrs P Raymond Smith (nee Whitbread), head mistress July 1927 - January 1951.